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How to report fraud

Fraud is committed when someone does not tell us the truth about their circumstances.

Every year across the country, billions of taxpayers’ money is lost due to fraud. The National Fraud Office suggests that the full extent of public sector losses is unknown, since much fraud is hidden, difficult to find or remains unreported.

If you suspect fraud has been committed, you should report it to the relevant body listed below. We have a zero tolerance of fraud:

Benefit Fraud

Benefit fraud should be reported to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

How to report benefit fraud.

Corporate Fraud

This relates to contractors or staff committing fraud. This should be reported to our Report Fraud Hotline.

More information can be found in our Whistle-blowing Policy.

Council Tax/Business Rates Fraud

Council Tax or Business rates fraud should be reported to our Report Fraud Hotline. 

Electoral Fraud

Electoral fraud should be reported to the police on their non-emergency number (101) as quickly as possible.

How to report electoral fraud.

Housing/Tenancy Fraud

Housing and Tenancy Fraud should be reported to our Report Fraud Hotline. 

We encourage everybody to report such activity, so that those responsible can be stopped.  If you are unsure where to raise a concern, please contact

We would also encourage everyone to do what they can to protect themselves and others from fraud.  Guidance is available from Take Five - To Stop Fraud ( which provides some helpful advice and guidance on being alert to the risks that fraud poses to individuals and businesses

Be Scam Aware 

Cybercrime and fraud 

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in cybercrime and fraud.

Scams can come in many forms and can look very sophisticated and real, making it hard to tell the genuine from the fake.

If you are unsure whether something is genuine, contact the organisation via a trusted source - a known email, phone number (such as the one on the back of your bank card) or their official website. Do not respond by using unrecognised email addresses, phone numbers or links sent to you. 

Friends Against Scams have lots of information to help you understand cybercrime and fraud, including free Friends Against Scams online learning. 

Report Cybercrime and fraud 

Cybercrime and fraud should be reported to Action Fraud 

Top tips to protect yourself from fraud.

Action Fraud have 10 top tips to help protect yourself from cybercrime and fraud.

  1. Do your research first -Do not give any personal information (name, address, bank details, email or phone number) to organisations or people before verifying their credentials.
  2. Protect your software - Make sure your computer has up-to-date anti-virus software and a firewall installed. 
  3. Be wary of links - Never automatically click on a link in an unexpected email or text.
  4. Protect your purchases - Sign up to your card suppliers verification process, whenever you are given the option while shopping online.
  5. Check your statements - You should regularly get a copy of your credit file and check it for entries you don't recognise. 
  6. Destroy receipts - Destroy and preferably shred receipts with your card details on and post with your name and address on. Identity fraudsters don't need much information in order to be able to clone your identity.
  7. Do not be afraid to question  - If you receive bills, invoices or receipts for things that you haven't bought, or financial institutions you don't normally deal with or contact you about outstanding debts, take action. Your identity may have been stolen.
  8. Be extremely wary of post, phone calls or emails offering you business deals out of the blue - If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always question it.
  9. Be wary of fraudsters - If you have been a victim of fraud, be aware of fraud recovery fraud. 
  10. If in doubt ask for advice -If you need advice about cybercrime or fraud, contact Action Fraud.
Last updated 3 January 2023
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