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Mayor's Cadet

The role of the Mayor’s Cadet is to accompany the Mayor to a number of appropriate public civic events which includes the Remembrance Parade and Service, Fly the Flag for Armed Forces Day, the Battle of Britain Commemorative Parade and Service and the Mayor's Christmas Carol Service. At such events, the Mayor’s Cadet may be asked to read or perform a duty such as carrying a wreath for the Mayor.

The Mayor’s Cadet also brings a closer visible association with local cadets of the armed forces, positive public perception, and a role which is considered to be an honour, and reward for those cadets selected. Mayor’s Cadets have been introduced by various councils across the country.

The Mayor’s Cadet is given a badge to be worn on their uniform during their year of office.

The Mayor’s Cadet is accountable to the Mayor of the Borough of Melton via the unit’s Officer Commanding. The role runs alongside any normal duties as a cadet NCO.

The Mayor’s Cadet will take an active role in supporting the Borough and presenting to the Borough Council about their time as Mayor’s Cadet at the end of their term of office.

Last updated 1 November 2023
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