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Residents and businesses encouraged to have their say on Local Plan update

Images of Melton Borough, development, field and park

On 28 September 2023, the Council undertook the required five-year review of the adopted Melton Local Plan and agreed that it was appropriate to undertake a partial update to ensure the effectiveness of the policies is maintained and to reflect the changes to national guidance.

The Local Plan sets out the council’s vision and aims for the development of the Borough, focusing on housing, employment, and infrastructure. The current plan was adopted in 2018 and will run up to 2036.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to share their thoughts on the Council’s proposed options for this partial update by taking part in the Local Plan Issues and Options consultation. This is the first stage in preparing the Melton Local Plan Partial Update and gives residents and businesses the opportunity to consider the policy wordings. The results will be used to prepare an updated version of the Melton Local Plan, for which the council will undertake a further period of public consultation   next year.

Cllr Margaret Glancy Portfolio Holder for Governance, Environment and Regulatory Services, said “The Local Plan plays a huge part in how we can develop our borough in the future. It sets out policies which affect future developments by outlining how we can enhance the environment and aim for quality designed sustainable developments to be built within the borough.

“This partial update is necessary to ensure our policies stay up to date and reflect national guidance. We have suggested multiple options on how we can move forward with the update and I encourage everyone to share their comments and help us shape the future of our borough.”

The consultation will run until 11:59pm on 7 January 2024.

Residents and businesses can get involved by completing the consultation either online at or by collecting a paper representation form and returning it to Planning Policy, Melton Borough Council Parkside office, Station Approach, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1GH.

Paper representation forms will be available to collect at Melton Mowbray Library, Bottesford Library or the Melton Borough Council Parkside offices. Copies of the consultation documents will also be available for viewing at these locations.

Alternatively, you can request a paper representation form by calling 01664 502 502.

The Council will also be running free drop in events, both in person and virtually, for residents and businesses who would like more information. These will be held on:

  • Tuesday, 21 November 2023, 12:00noon to 8:00pm at Council Chamber 1, Parkside, Station Approach, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1GH
  • Thursday, 7 December 4:00pm to 8:00pm online via Microsoft Teams (joining link available at

Those unable to attend the events can contact the council by emailing their queries to or by calling 01664 502 502.




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07 November 2023