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Parish Councillors' interests

The law requires all Members of each Parish Council to sign up to a Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct outlines their expected behaviour.

Some parishes have adopted the Council's Code of Conduct. Other Parish Councils have adopted their own versions, which can be found on the relevant Parish Council website page.

For more information on what types of interests need to be included in a Register of Interests, please refer to Appendix B of the Council’s Code of Conduct.

The Monitoring Officer must be informed of any new interest or change to an interest within 28 days.

Parish Councillor’s Register of Interests form

To access a Parish Councillor’s Register of Interests form:

  1. Select the Parish from the list below
  2. Select on the Parish Councillor
  3. Click the ‘Register of interests’ link.

For further information on Parish Councillor interests, please contact the Clerk to the relevant Parish Council.

Last updated 13 September 2023
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