Home energy

There are a number of ways to get help to reduce energy costs. Energy Saving Trust offer energy efficiency tips and Citizens Advice provide information on changing your energy supplier.

In addition, your energy provider can sometimes help you reduce your costs. It can be beneficial to get in touch with them directly.

Support with energy supply issues for vulnerable groups

If you have a health issue that would be affected by disruptions to your energy supply contact:

  • For electricity: National Grid and sign up to their register for support in the event of a power cut 
  • For gas: contact Cadent Gas.

Green Living Leicestershire scheme

Green Living Leicestershire is a partnership between ourselves, Leicestershire County Council, and other Leicestershire district authorities. The scheme aims to deliver projects supporting sustainability and Net Zero (the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible).

Through the scheme multiple grants funding and opportunities will be available. You can see the current projects below.

Home Upgrade Grant

If your home has an Energy Performance Rating (EPC) of either D, E, F, or G (D or E in private rental) and one of the following applies to you, you may be eligible for a Home Upgrade Grant.

  • You live in a priority neighbourhood area.
  • You are in receipt of means tested benefits.
  • Please note that the eligible gross household income threshold has increased to £36,000 (previously £31,000)

Home Upgrade Grants are designed to help you improve the warmth and comfort of your home, whilst also reducing your energy bills and carbon emissions.

These grants will support households who do not have mains gas as a primary heating system such as those with electric, heating oil, LPG or solid fuel heating. Households that only use gas for cooking or secondary room heating can still apply.

This scheme is administered by Leicestershire County Councils' Warm Homes service together with YES Energy Solutions, through the Green Living Leicestershire scheme.

For more information on the grants, including the full eligibility criteria, eligible postcode areas or to apply, visit Leicestershire County Council website or call project delivery partner YES Energy Solutions on 0330 912 6199, who can support you with your application. 

Home Energy Retrofit Offer (HERO)

The Home Energy Retrofit Offer (HERO) supports residents with advice on what can be done to homes to keep warm and cut energy bills.

The service aims to provide you with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions about investing in your home. The service offered will be tailored towards the your needs and can therefore signpost towards relevant grant funding or assist with the application where funding is available for retrofit measures.

If eligible you could receive in-person advice free of charge via a home visit. If you are a Leicestershire County resident but are not eligible or not interested in a home visit, the Warm Homes team can still offer telephone advice about grants you might be eligible for or self-funded options and how to apply. Our advisers will speak to you in the first instance to identify the advice and support we can offer.

The HERO scheme is targeting:

  • households on low incomes
  • residents who are vulnerable to the cold, such as those with long-term health conditions or disability
  • residents living in properties which are hard-to-treat (for example: older, solid wall, non-standard construction)

You can find out more or apply on the Leicestershire County council website.

Solar Together

Solar Together is a group-buying scheme offering the chance to install high-quality solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and battery storage in your property for a competitive price, allowing you to generate your own clean electricity.

It brings Leicestershire's households and small or medium-sized enterprises together to get high-quality solar panels and battery storage, helping you through the process and keeping you informed at every stage.

Find out more and sign up to solar together

Last updated 27 June 2024
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Home Energy retrofit offer