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CCTV Footage

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is designed to take measures to prevent and detect incidents of crime and public disorder. We are responsible for the monitoring and recording of CCTV images from a number of Town Centre locations.

CCTV Camera locations

We have Cameras at the following locations

  1. Police Station
  2. Windsor St
  3. Argos Alley
  4. St Mary’s Way
  5. The Kings Head
  6. Corn Cross
  7. Market Place
  8. Sherrard St
  9. The Park
  10. Burton St
  11. Cattle Market
  12. Cattle Market
  13. Wilton Rd
  14. Thorpe End
Access to CCTV information

If you require access to any CCTV footage please contact

Please note that camera footage is available for 28 days.

Traffic Collision Requests

If you are involved in a road traffic collision you must report this matter to the Police and/or your insurance company.

We cannot disclose information to individuals and we cannot disclose information regarding any other party involved in the road traffic collision, due to the Data Protection Act.

In such instances it will be the responsibility for either the Police or your insurance company to apply for footage. If an application is made by your insurance company, they must contact and complete the relevant form. There is a £10 charge for this.

Last updated 9 December 2021
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