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Licence variation
Licences for premises and club premises certificates can be varied at any time.
Minor variations are a useful way of making small changes to licences where there will be no impact on the Licensing Objectives. You can check minor variation guidance (opens in a new tab) to see whether the changes you want to make can be done by a minor variation, or whether you will need to make a full variation.
Payment by debit card can be made by clicking the button below (please note that credit cards are not accepted)
1. Send us a completed minor variation application form with the current fee of £89.
2. Immediately send a copy to Leicestershire Police. See "contact details for the responsible authorities" for contact details.
2. Display a completed white notice outside your premises for 10 working days to make people aware, in case they wish to make a representation. The white notice template can be downloaded below.
We will process the application and let you know the outcome once the time for representations has passed.
1. Send us a completed variation application form.
2. Pay the relevant fee
3. Immediately send a copy of your application to all the Responsible Authorities.
4. Display a completed blue notice outside your premises for 28 days and put a copy of this notice in the local newspaper within the first 10 working days. The blue notice template can be downloaded below.
5. If you are varying from a club certificate, or from a licence without alcohol on, to one with alcohol sales, you must also provide a completed vary designated premises supervisor (DPS) application form and consent form
Once the 28-day consultation period has passed, we will either grant the licence if no representations have been made, or convene a hearing of the Licensing Committee, to which you would be invited, to decide the application.
Responsible Authority
Number of copies
Postal address
Email address
The Licensing Authority | Two |
The Licensing Officer | |
Fire Service |
One |
The Chief Fire Officer | |
Police, and protection of children from harm |
One |
The Chief Officer of Police | |
Trading Standards | One |
Trading Standards | |
Planning | One |
Planning Department | |
Public Health | One |
Licensing Applications | |
Health and Safety, and Environmental Health | One |
Environmental Health | |
Home Office | One |
Alcohol Licensing Team | |