Archived Melton Local Plan 1999
The Melton Local Plan was adopted in 1999 and provides the local planning framework for the Borough. Since the Melton Local Plan was prepared a planning system based upon Regional Plans and Local Development Frameworks was introduced. This system has also been replaced through the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which sets out the Government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. As a result the Melton Local Plan is becoming out of date and we have decided to replace it with a new local plan.
As many local plans expire and replacements are prepared, the Government has considered which parts of an authority's local plan should continue to apply. This is called the ‘saving’ process and policies which are considered to be up-to-date and appropriate under the guidance provided at the national and regional levels are ‘saved’ by the Secretary of State.
The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has made a Direction under Paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 8 to the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. Only those policies listed in the Direction continue to be part of the development plan.
The Melton Local Plan is available to view below. Each excerpt is in the format as published in 1999 following adoption. As a consequence the documents must be read in conjunction with the 'Saving' Direction as not all of the policies remain part of the development plan.