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Remove a dead animal from a public space

How to report a dead animal that needs collecting

We can only remove dead animals which are on council land, public areas and adopted highways. The council will remove dead animals such as dogs, cats, badgers, foxes and deer from open spaces that are accessible to the public.

We cannot remove animals on grass verges in the countryside.

Please note: Landowners are responsible for dead animals on their own property and we cannot remove dead pets from domestic homes.

You can report a dead animal using our online report form

To report a dead animal you will need:

  • A description of the animal
  • The location of the animal

What happens next?

Once we have received a report, we aim to collect the animal within two working days.

Dead dogs and cats that are reported and collected are scanned for microchip information, and we will try to contact the registered owner.

Last updated 17 August 2021
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