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Clinical and hazardous waste
What can go in your black bin
Some clinical waste can be safely disposed of in your black rubbish bin (please ensure this waste is double bagged), such as:
- Incontinence pads
- Urinary catheter bags/tubes
- Stoma bags
- Swabs and dressings
Larger or additional bin(s) to accommodate the extra waste are available at a small cost.
Sharps collection
Some clinical waste cannot go in your black bin, such as:
- Dialysis and blood catheters
- Needles
- Syringes
- Sharp instruments
- Boxes containing sharps
We operate a separate collection service for sharps (needles) that must be presented in a yellow sharps box. This service is free of charge for collections from domestic properties, generally these collections are undertaken quarterly. To register for the sharps collection service, please call 01664 502502.
For a replacement sharps container you will need to contact your GP.
If you find a syringe or other clinical waste in a public place, please notify us on 01664 502 502.
If you need to dispose of a hazardous substance, you will need to take it to one of the specialist centres run by Leicestershire County Council. Please call 0116 3050001 for more information or you can find information on the Leicestershire County Council website.