Employee structure and salaries
The Council is made up of three directorates. Currently these are:
Growth and Regeneration
- Environmental Health
- Licensing
- Planning
- Land Charges
- Building Control Partnership
- Asset Management
- Asset Development Programme
- Levelling Up
- Planning Policy
- Planning - Development Control
- Planning Enforcement
- Tourism
- Economic Development
- Town Centre Management
- BID and business support
- Public Conveniences
- Car Parks
- Cattle Market
- Private Sector Housing
- Industrial Estates
- Allotments
- Community Centres
Corporate Services
- Finance
- Procurement
- Audit
- Governance and Risk
- Revenues and Benefits
- Democratic and Member Services
- Legal
- Elections
- Project management
- HR
- Training and development
- Organisational Development
- Communications
- Website
- Complaints
- ICT and Cyber Security
Housing and Communities
- Housing and Landlord Services
- Housing Development
- Waste and street cleansing contract management
- Cemeteries and closed churchyards
- Maintenance of parks and open spaces
- Community Support Hub
- Customer Services
- Rural Food Hub
- Work and Skills
- Housing options and homelessness (Housing Register )
- Leisure centres and contract management
- Private Lifeline
- Community Grants
- Lightbulb / Disabled Facilities Grants
- Community and Parish Liaison
- Lottery
- Anti-social behaviour, CCTV and Enviro-crime
- Health and Safety
- Safeguarding
- Domestic Abuse
- Care Leavers
- Equalities
- Health, Wellbeing and Physical Activity
On the 31 March 2024 we employed 203 people (177 full time equivalents)
The day to day management of the council and its services is carried out by the Senior Leadership Team
Senior Leadership Team
Edd de Coverly - Chief Executive
Email: edecoverly@melton.gov.uk
Michelle Howard - Director for Housing and Communities (Deputy Chief Executive)
Email: Mhoward@melton.gov.uk
Caroline Bruce - Interim Director for Growth and Regeneration
Email : CBruce@melton.gov.uk
Dawn Garton - Director for Corporate Services (Section 151 Officer)
Email : Dgarton@melton.gov.uk
Clive Tobin - Assistant Director for Governance and Democracy (Monitoring Officer)
Email : ctobin@melton.gov.uk
Pay Policy Statement
Our Pay Policy Statement sets out what our policy is on pay. The policy is approved at Full Council every year and applies to both the lowest and highest paid employees at the Council.
We publish the salaries of our senior officers who receive basic pay over £50,000 per year.
- Chief Executive - £115,855 per year
- Director for Housing and Communities, Deputy Chief Executive - £91,471 per year
- Director for Corporate Services - £86,219 per year
- Director for Growth and Regeneration - Vacant
- Assistant Director for Governance and Democracy - £68,290 per year
- Assistant Director for Housing Management - £63,531 per year
- Assistant Director for Resources - £66,555 per year
- Assistant Director for Customers and Communities - £62,400 per year
- Assistant Director for Organisational Development - £62,400 per year
- Assistant Director for Growth Regeneration and UKSPF Delivery - £62,400 per year
- Assistant Director for Planning - £61,290 per year
- Development Manager - £55,737 per year
- Welland Procurement Manager - £55,737 per year
- Housing Development Manager - £55,737 per year
- Housing Asset Manager - £55,737 per year
- Tenancy Services Manager - £55,737 per year
- Corporate Property and Asset Manager - £53,586 per year
- Senior Lawyer and Deputy Monitoring Officer £52,613 per year
- Senior Estates Surveyor - £51,515 per year
- Revenues and Benefits Manager - £51,515 per year
Last updated 18 July 2024
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