The Cabinet
The Leader of the Council appoints a Cabinet selected from the elected councillors. The Cabinet meets approximately every 5 weeks. Find out the dates and times of the meetings.
The Cabinet makes key decisions which are detailed in the Forward Plan. The Cabinet considers reports from the Scrutiny Committee and all policy and budgetary framework documents.
The agenda is available 5 clear days before the meeting on the website or from the Council Offices. The decisions are also published and are available 2 working days after the meeting on the website or at the Parkside offices.
Leader of the Council
The Leader of the Council is Councillor Pip Allnatt
"As well as providing overall leadership and direction for the Council, I also have specific responsibility for key areas of the Council's corporate services including delivery of the Corporate Plan and the Melton Mowbray Distributor Road (MMDR) in conjunction with our partner, the Leicestershire County Council. These are momentous times for the Borough and my ultimate aim is to improve the day to day experience of people living, working and visiting the Borough and the promise of the road is an achievement that we are going to make a reality before the end of this Council term. I am looking forward to working with Cabinet Members and Senior Officers to achieve these aims.
I would also like to pay tribute to the importance of all the other Council Members who will be keeping a check on the Cabinet's decisions and taking part in the routine committee work such as determining planning and licensing applications, monitoring the Council's financial arrangements and ensuring the good governance of the Council."
Corporate Leadership
- Providing overall Leadership and direction for the Council
- Corporate Strategy and Policy Development
- Corporate Strategy delivery
- Corporate Communications – spokesperson for the Council
Key Project Delivery
- MMDR Delivery
- Future Leisure Provision Development
- Second GP Surgery
- UKSPF Investment Plan Delivery
- Levelling Up Fund Delivery
Portfolio Holders
- Housing Strategy
- HRA Business Plan Delivery
- Regulatory compliance
- Council housing assets, maintenance and repairs
- Landlord health and safety
- Tenancy management inc lettings, rents, engagement
- New council homes (acquisitions and development)
- Use of Right To Buy receipts
- Corporate health and safety
- Homelessness and Housing Options
- Physical activity
- Leisure centre contract management
Councillor Margaret Glancy - Deputy Leader
Corporate Governance
- Performance and Risk Management
- Governance, Decision Making & Member Engagement
- Constitutional and Member Development
- Chair of the Constitutional Review Working Group
- Legal Services, Data Management, GDPR and FOIs
- Democracy and Elections
- Parish Council liaison
- Customer journey, access, and accessibility (telephone and digital)
- Lead Member for complaints response (regarding executive functions including housing)
- Waste and Recycling Services
- Environmental Services (cleansing, maintenance, parks & open spaces)
- Cemetery & Burial Services
- Armed Forces Covenant lead
Climate & Regulatory Services
- Planning Policy & Development Management
- Representative on the Members Advisory Groups
- Environmental Health & Private Sector housing
- Place based enforcement
- Licensing
- Building Control
- Land Charges
- Council representative on the BID Board
- Youth engagement
- Safeguarding
- Support to vulnerable people and Community Support hub.
- Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion
- Cost of living response
- Community Cohesion
- Refugee/Asylum dispersal
- Community Health and Wellbeing Plan
- Lightbulb Service and Ageing Well
- Lifeline and Disabled Facilities Grants
- Community grants and community lottery
- Town Centre Regeneration
- Other strategic infrastructure & regeneration projects
- Infrastructure Investment (inc digital e.g. superfast broadband etc)
- Tourism
- Events and Place Promotion (Discover Melton)
- Economic Growth
- Inward Investment
- Culture and Heritage
- Operational Community Safety & CCTV
- Vice Chair of the Safer Melton Partnership
- Council representative on the BID Board
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Learning and Development
- ICT Operations
- Procurement
- Commercialisation
- Corporate Security, Counter Terrorism and Cyber Crime
- Debt Management
- Revenues and Benefits
- Chair of the Safer Melton Partnership and Council’s representative on the Police and Crime Panel
- Corporate Property & Asset Management
- Asset Development Programme
- Strategic Community Safety