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Smoking ban

Smoke Free

On July 1 2007, England introduced a new law to make virtually all enclosed public places and workplaces in England smoke free.  

  • Public transport and work vehicles used by more than one person must be smoke free at all times
  • No-smoking signs must be displayed in all smoke free premises and vehicles.
  • Staff smoking rooms and indoor smoking areas are no longer allowed, so anyone who wants to smoke has to go outside.
  • Managers of smoke free premises and vehicles have legal responsibilities to prevent people from smoking.

If you are uncertain where you can or can't smoke, just look for the no-smoking signs or ask someone in charge.


Environmental Health enforce the law around the borough and can issue fixed penalty notices to individuals, or prosecute businesses that allow smoking on their premises. There is also a penalty for not displaying a ‘no smoking’ sign on your premises.

Smoking Shelters

If you are considering building a smoking shelter you may need planning permission.  You must also ensure it is less than 50% enclosed.

Last updated 30 September 2022
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