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Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) consultation results
We asked you to share your views on the proposed extension of the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) that is due to run out on 31 December 2022.
The PSPO focused on dog controls throughout the borough and contain four separate orders, each relating to a different area of dog control and responsible ownership.
The four orders are as follows:
- Dog Fouling in specified areas
- Failing to produce device or other means or removing dog faeces on demand
- Dogs on Lead by Direction
- Dog Exclusion
The results of the consultation, which showed an overwhelming support for the extension, can be viewed below.
Following the positive feedback, the extension has been approved and the PSPO is now in place until 31 December 2025.
Consultation results
Dog fouling in specified areas, which gives our officers and the police additional power to tackle incidents of dog fouling received 96.21% approval from respondents.
- 127 in support
- 2 not in support
- 3 other
Failing to produce device or other means or removing dog faeces on demand, which gives our officers and the police additional power to request dog walkers to produce means of cleaning up after their dog received 93.23% approval from respondents.
- 124 in support
- 4 not in support
- 5 other
Dogs on Lead by Direction, which gives our officers and the police additional power to request that dog owners place their dog on a lead by direction received 88.64% approval from respondents.
- 117 in support
- 9 not in support
- 6 other
Dog Exclusion which gives our officers and the police additional power to prohibit dogs from entering enclosed children's play areas received 92.48% approval from respondents.
- 123 in support
- 5 not in support
- 5 other