Borough electorate

The electorate is a body of residents who are eligible to vote in an election by being registered on the Electoral Register.

To get on the Electoral Register for Melton Borough, please see Register to vote.

The current MP for Melton & Syston Constituency is Edward Argar (view Melton and Syston conservatives).

The constituency covers all of the Borough of Melton and a part of Charnwood Borough Council area. The Parliamentary electorate is over 74,000.

To view maps of the borough wards please see Council ward maps 


Electorate by Borough Ward
Borough Ward Polling District Electorate
Melton Craven A - Melton Craven 831
  B - Melton Craven 2123
  Total for Craven 2954
Melton Dorian C - Melton Dorian 2926
  D - Melton Dorian 1535
  Total for Dorian 4461
Melton Egerton E1 - Melton Egerton 1820
  E2 - Melton Egerton 1288
  Total for Egerton 3108
Melton Newport F - Melton Newport 905
  G - Melton Newport 2439
  H - Melton Newport 1284
  Total for Newport 4628
Melton Sysonby I - Melton Sysonby 953
  JI - Melton Sysonby 1769
  JII - Melton Sysonby 1630
  Total for Sysonby 4352
Melton Warwick K - Melton Warwick 2845
  Total for Warwick 2845
Asfordby L - Asfordby 2424
  M - Asfordby Hill & Welby 449
  Total for Asfordby 2873
Bottesford AA - Muston 196
  Z - Bottesford 3028
  Total for Bottesford 3224
Croxton Kerrial AB - Knipton 98
  AC - Belvoir 62
  AD - Harston 60
  AE - Branston 120
  AF - Croxton Kerrial 332
  AG - Eastwell 171
  AH - Goadby Marwood 129
  AI - Eaton 269
  AJ - Stonesby 150
  AK - Saltby 166
  Total for Croxton Kerrial 1557
Frisby on the Wreake BE - Frisby 614
  BF - Kirby Bellars 274
  BG - Grimston 247
  BH1 - Hoby 237
  BH2 - Ragdale 74
  BI1 - Brooksby 74
  BI2 - Rotherby 127
  Total for Frisby on the Wreake  1647
Gaddesby BA - Burton Lazars 452
  BB - Great Dalby 380
  BC - Ashby Folville 276
  BD - Gaddesby 371
  Total for Gaddesby 1479
Long Clawson & Stathern S - Clawson 838
  T - Harby 839
  U - Hose 452
  V - Barkestone 252
  W - Plungar 205
  X - Redmile 257
  Y - Stathern 588
  Total for Long Clawson & Stathern  3431
Old Dalby N - Ab Kettleby 349
  O - Holwell 131
  P - Old Dalby 585
  Q - Nether Broughton 373
  R - Old Dalby Queensway 293
  Total for Old Dalby 1731
Somerby AU - Knossington & Cold Overton 247
  AV - Burrough on the Hill 151
  AW - Somerby 396
  AX - Pickwell & Leesthorpe 191
  AY - Thorpe Satchville 206
  AZ - Twyford 329
  Total for Somerby 1520
Waltham on the Wolds AL - Scalford 485
  AM - Thorpe Arnold 106
  AN - Waltham on the Wolds 971
  Total for Waltham on the Wolds 1562
Wymondham AO - Sewstern & Buckminster 307
  AP - Freeby & Stapleford 217
  AQ - Garthorpe 57
  AR - Sproxton 177
  AS - Edmondthorpe 75
  AT - Wymondham 544
  Total for Wymondham  1377
  Total Borough Electorate 42749

The borough electorate figures are updated annually on 1 December, when the new register is published.

Electorate by County Ward
County Ward Polling District Electorate
Belvoir S - Clawson 838
  T - Harby 839
  U - Hose 452
  V - Barkestone 252
  W - Plungar 205
  X - Redmile 257
  Y - Stathern 588
  Z - Bottesford 3028
  AA - Muston 196
  AB - Knipton 98
  AC - Belvoir 62
  AD - Harston 60
  AE - Branston 120
  AF - Croxton Kerrial 332
  AG - Eastwell 171
  AH - Goadby Marwood 129
  AI - Eaton 269
  AJ - Stonesby 150
  AK - Saltby 166
  AL - Scalford 485
  AM - Thorpe Arnold 106
  AN - Waltham on the Wolds 971
  AO - Sewstern & Buckminster 307
  AQ - Garthorpe 57
  AR - Sproxton 177
  Total for Belvoir 10315
Melton Wolds L - Asfordby 2424
  M - Asfordby Hill & Welby 449
  N - Ab Kettleby 349
  O - Holwell 131
  P - Old Dalby 585
  Q - Nether Broughton 373
  R - Old Dalby Queensway 293
  AP - Freeby & Stapleford 217
  AS - Edmondthorpe 75
  AT - Wymondham 544
  AU - Knossington & Cold Overton 247
  AV - Burrough on the Hill 151
  AW - Somerby 396
  AX - Pickwell & Leesthorpe 191
  AY - Thorpe Satchville 206
  AZ - Twyford 329
  BA - Burton Lazars 452
  BB - Great Dalby 380
  BC - Ashby Folville 276
  BD - Gaddesby 371
  BE - Frisby 614
  BF - Kirby Bellars 274
  BG - Grimston 247
  BH1 - Hoby 237
  BH2 - Ragdale 74
  BI1 - Brooksby 74
  BI2 - Rotherby 127
  Total for Melton Wolds 10086
Melton East A - Craven 831
  B - Craven 2123
  F - Melton Newport 905
  G - Melton Newport 2439
  H - Melton Newport 1284
  I - Melton Sysonby 953
  K- Melton Warwick 2845
  Total for Melton East 11380
Melton West C - Melton Dorian 2926
  D - Melton Dorian 1535
  E1 - Melton Egerton 1820
  E2 - Melton Egerton 1288
  J - Melton Sysonby 1769
  JI - Melton Sysonby 1630
  Total for Melton West 10968
  Total County Electorate 42749


Electorate by Polling District
Polling District Electorate
A - Melton Craven 831
B - Melton Craven 2124
C - Melton Dorian 2926
D- Melton Dorian 1535
E1 - Melton Egerton 1821
E2 - Melton Egerton 1289
F - Melton Newport 905
G - Melton Newport 2439
H - Melton Newport 1284
I - Melton Sysonby 954
J - Melton Sysonby 1770
J1 - Melton Sysonby 1630
K - Melton Warwick 2847
L - Asfordby 351
M - Asfordby Hill & Welby 449
N - Ab Kettleby 351
O - Holwell 131
P - Old Dalby 587
Q - Nether Broughton 375
R - Old Dalby Queensway 293
S - Clawson 838
T - Harby 841
U- Hose 456
V - Barkstone 252
W - Plungar 205
X - Redmile 257
Y - Stathern 588
Z - Bottesford 3028
AA - Muston 196
AB - Knipton 98
AC - Belvoir 62
AD - Harston 60
AE - Branston 120
AF - Croxton Kerrial 334
AG - Eastwell 171
AH - Goadby Marwood 129
AI - Eaton 269
AJ - Stonesby 150
AK - Saltby 166
AL - Scalford 485
AM - Thorpe Arnold 106
AN - Waltham on the Wolds 971
AO - Sewstern & Buckminster 307
AP - Freeby & Stapleford 217
AQ - Garthorpe 57
AR - Sproxton 177
AS - Edmondthorpe 75
AT - Wymondham 544
AU - Knossington & Cold Overton 249
AV - Burrough on the Hill 151
AW - Somerby 396
AX - Pickwell & Leesthorpe 191
AY - Thorpe Satchville 206
AZ - Twyford 329
BA - Burton Lazars 452
BB - Great Dalby 380
BC - Ashby Folville 276
BD - Gaddesby 371
BE - Frisby 614
BF - Kirby Bellars 275
BG - Grinston 247
BH1 - Hoby 238
BH2 - Ragdale 74
BI 1- Brooksby 74
BI2 - Rotherby 127
Total Electorate 42788
Electorate by Parish
Parish Polling District Electorate
Ab Kettleby N - Ab Kettleby 349
  O - Holwell 131
  Total for Ab Kettleby 480
Asfordby L - Asfordby 2424
  M- Asfordby Hill & Welby 449
  Total for Asfordby 2873
Barkestone, Plungar, Redmile V - Barkestone 252
  W - Plungar 205
  X - Redmile 257
  Total for Barkestone, Plungar, Redmile 714
Belvoir AB - Knipton 98
  AC - Belvoir 62
  AD - Harston 60
  Total for Belvoir 220
Bottesford AA - Muston 196
  Z - Bottesford 3028
  Total for Bottesford 3224
Broughton & Dalby P - Old Dalby 585
  Q - Nether Broughton 373
  R - Old Dalby Queensway 293
  Total for Broughton & Dalby 1251
Buckminster AO - Buckminster & Sewstern 307
  Total for Buckminster 307
Burton & Dalby BA- Burton Lazars 452
  BB -Great Dalby 380
  Total for Burton & Dalby 832
Clawson, Hose & Harby S - Clawson 838
  T - Harby 839
  U - Hose 452
  Total for Clawson, Hose & Harby 2129
Croxton Kerrial AE - Branston 120
  AF - Croxton Kerrial 332
  Total for Croxton Kerrial 452
Eaton AG - Eastwell 171
  AH - Goadby Marwood 129
  AI - Eaton 269
  Total for Eaton 569
Freeby AP - Freeby & Stapleford 217
  Total for Freeby & Stapleford 217
Frisby BE - Frisby 614
  Total for Frisby 614
Gaddesby BC - Ashby Folville 276
  BD - Gaddesby 371
  Total for Gaddesby 647
Garthorpe AQ - Garthorpe 57
  Total for Garthorpe 57
Grimston BG - Grimston 247
  Total for Grimston 247
Hoby with Rotherby BH1 - Hoby 237
  BH2 - Ragdale 74
  BI1 - Brooksby 74
  BI2 - Rotherby 127
  Total for Hoby with Rotherby 512
Kirby BF - Kirby Bellars 274
  Total for Kirby 274
Knossington & Cold Overton Knossington & Cold Overton 247
  Total for Knossington & Cold Overton 247
Scalford AL - Scalford 485
  Total for Scalford 485
Somerby AV - Burrough on the Hill 151
  AW - Somerby 396
  AX - Pickwell & Leesthorpe 191
  Total for Somerby 738
Sproxton AJ - Stonesby 150
  AK - Saltby 166
  AR - Sproxton 177
  Total for Sproxton 493
Stathern Y - Stathern 588
  Total for Stathern 588
Twyford & Thorpe AY - Thorpe Satchville 206
  AZ - Twyford 329
  Total for Twyford & Thorpe 535
Waltham on the Wolds & Thorpe Arnold AM - Thorpe Arnold 106
  AN - Waltham 971
  Total for Waltham on the Wolds & Thorpe Arnold 1077
Wymondham & Edmondthorpe AS - Edmondthorpe 544
  AT - Wymondham 75
  Total for Wymondham & Edmondthorpe 619
  Total Parish Electorate 20401
Polling district maps
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Last updated 24 September 2024
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