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Change a Designated Premises Supervisor

A Designated Premises Supervisor, also known as a DPS, can be changed on a premises licence at any time provided a valid application is made. This could be, for example, when a pub landlord moves on from the premises and a new one arrives.

Applications must be made by the Premises Licence Holder. The proposed DPS must hold a personal licence.

The relevant forms are available from the government website.

Send us:

  • a completed application form
  • a consent form signed by the new DPS
  • fee of £23, which can be paid using our online payment system using a debit card via the button below (please reference your premises licence number when making payment). Alternatively, by telephone to customer services or by cheque payable to Melton Borough Council.

You will also need to inform the existing DPS of the changes.

Send to Leicestershire Police:

A copy of the completed application form and consent form signed by the new DPS

Police Address

Leicestershire Police
Force Licensing Department
Mansfield House
74 Belgrave Gate


Resignation of a DPS

If you are a DPS and wish to be removed from a premises licence, please contact the Licensing Team via email at for a form.

Please note, there is no necessity to complete this form if you are completely satisfied the Premises Licence Holder is applying to change the DPS immediately, as that application will absolve you of your DPS responsibilities

Last updated 23 November 2023
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