Temporary and occasional use notices
Temporary use notices
Temporary use notices are made to us so a premises may be temporarily used for gambling where no premises licence is in force.
These notices must be given by the holder of an operating licence and must be given 3 months in advance of the event and are limited to 21 days per calendar year.
A copy of the notice has also to be served on the Gambling Commission, Police and HM Revenues and Customs. These notices are to cover premises such as exhibitions centre, hotels, etc.
Payment can be made either by cheque made payable to Melton Borough Council or using our online payment system below.
Occasional use notices
Occasional use notices can be made to us where an applicant requires the benefit of betting, etc. where no premises licence is in force. These notices are limited to one day only, with no more than eight in any calendar year.
They would normally be used for such events as point to point meetings, etc. There is no fee payable, but only those persons/companies holding a betting operating licence from the Gambling Commission will be allowed to provide betting facilities during the period of the notice.
How to notify us
Please complete the relevant form. For Temporary use notice form, please use the external link to be directed to Gambling Commission forms page then submit the form to licensing@melton.gov.uk or by post to Melton Borough Council, FAO Licensing Department.