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Open Data

As part of our commitment to transparency, we are working to make as much information readily available as possible. This page includes a range of key datasets.

Requests for information

If you would like access to information not currently available online you can request this from us. 

For details on how to do this please visit Freedom of information.

We will respond to your request within 12 working days following the date of receipt. 

You can ask to have any recorded information. This could be in the form of e-mails, notebooks, videos, or tapes.

Business Rates data

Following a decision of the First Tier Information Rights Tribunal, Melton Borough Council no longer publishes business rates data.

We will no longer disclose information about business rate accounts in response to FOI requests.

Further information 

For information on contract and tenders visit our working with us webpages.

For information on our workforce data visit our how the council works webpage pages.

You can view our policies and documents on our strategies and plans webpages.

Open Government Licence

The Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 let you ask a public authority in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, including Government Departments, if you can reuse public information ('information assets') identified in an information asset register for that purpose.

You must make requests for information from us in writing (e.g. letter, fax, email). You must clearly state that you wish to receive the information for the purpose of reuse, what information you are requesting, and supply your name and address.

You can request information about Information Assets

An asset is any information that we produce that is of interest or value to the organisation itself and potentially to others.
Some local authorities have achieved this by the publication of an asset list or register.  We don’t intend to produce a separate information asset register, as all significant documents in our FOI Publication Scheme are available for re-use (except for those documents where charges apply).

We will respond to your request within 20 working days of receiving it.  If we can’t, we will explain why and let you know when you will receive a reply.

You must acknowledge information assets as our copyright.  Reuse of 'third party' material, such as reports commissioned by consultants, requires a copyright agreement between you and the third party.

Detailed terms and conditions are available from the Open Government Licence.

Please find available Datasets below.

Last updated 30 May 2024
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