The Mayor's Appeal

Every year the Mayor of the Melton Borough will have chosen charities which they support.

The current Mayor is Councillor Tim Webster, and you can find out about his chosen charities below.

Belvoir Cricket and Countryside Trust

The Belvoir Cricket and Countryside Trust, work with a range of partners to deliver educational activities to children in the local and wider communities. The activities provided aim to inspire children to lead healthy active lives through sport and countryside education; whilst also help build a sustainable future for rural Britain.

Melton Prostate Cancer, Support Group for Prostaid

Melton Prostate Cancer is a support group for Prostaid. They give care, support and information to local men with Prostate Cancer. Monthly support group meetings are held in Melton and the surrounding area.

Details of how to donate to these charities will be available shortly.

Last updated 19 September 2024
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Belvoir Cricket and Countryside Trust
