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Briefing session for local elections candidates and agents

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On 6 May 2021 elections are being held for Leicestershire County Council and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire.

Melton Borough Council will be holding a virtual briefing session for people considering standing in the Melton Divisions for County Council elections. Separate briefings for those wishing to stand in the Police and Crime Commissioner elections are being held by North West Leicestershire District Council.

Anyone who is interested in becoming a Melton Division candidate for the County Council elections is encouraged to attend.  Candidate’s agents are also welcome.

Edd de Coverly, Deputy Returning Officer, said “The impact of the pandemic means we will have to do things differently this year which is why we are holding this briefing session virtually.  The briefing will be an opportunity to find out the key steps in the electoral process and the measure we are putting in place to ensure the elections are Covid secure.  Officers who will help run the elections in Melton will be on hand to answer any questions those interested in standing may have.”

The briefing will be held on Tuesday 16 March at 16:30 via Zoom.  Anyone wishing to attend should register their interest by emailing

For more information please contact:

Name:  Kieran Stockley

Melton Borough Council



01 March 2021