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Call to unite in last fortnight of lockdown

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Melton is currently experiencing a significant rise in coronavirus rates with 410 people per 100,000 testing positive for the virus (as at 17/11/20). 

Rates in Melton are currently the second highest in Leicestershire and higher than the national average.  Whilst rising numbers are not unique to Melton, residents are being urged to play their part in bringing the rates down to avoid tighter restrictions after lockdown ends on December 2.

Joe Orson Leader of the Council said

“It is disappointing to see an increase in cases in Melton, but we are thankful that we have the data to guide us in our action to limit the spread of the virus.  We all have a role to play in keeping ourselves, our friends, families and communities safe and we are proactively working with partners to prevent the situation from worsening. We're urging everyone to be diligent and play their part and it is vital that everyone follows the government guidance in order to stay safe – stay at home as much as possible, wash your hands regularly, keep 2 metres apart from others outside your household, wear face coverings where required and get tested if you have any symptoms.  By following these rules at all times we can push these numbers back down.”

Leicestershire County Council today issued a statement calling for residents to unite in the last fortnight of lockdown 

Under the current restrictions you must :

  • Stay at home except for specific purposes
  • Avoid meeting people you do not live with except for specific purposes
  • Close certain businesses and venues

To support residents whose earnings are affected by staying at home and isolating the Council is administering the Government Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme where eligible residents can apply for a payment of £500. 

Melton has been allocated £732,222 towards the Local Restrictions Grant Scheme (Closed) (addendum) which is to support businesses who have been forced to close by government during this lockdown. Melton has also allocated up to £512,000k towards a discretionary scheme (Additional Restrictions Grant fund) to support businesses significantly impacted by the lockdown and that have either been  forced to close but are not responsible for a business rates or are within particular sectors.  To make accessing these grants as easy as possible for businesses we have launched one application form and MBC will determine through which scheme a business can receive a grant.

Additional support is available to residents through the Community Support Hub.  More information is available on the Council website

17 November 2020