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Council to consider significant investment to enhance local leisure facilities

Waterfield leisure centre

On Thursday 14 December, Councillors will consider a proposal to award a 10 year contract for the operation of the two council owned leisure facilities within Melton Mowbray, alongside plans to invest £1.735m million to improve and enhance the Waterfield Leisure Centre and Melton Sports Village, ensuring they are fit for the next decade.

The current contract for the running of the facilities, is held by SLM (Everyone Active), and is due to end on 31 March 2024. Following a robust tender process, SLM (Everyone Active) have been selected as the preferred supplier of the new contract and, if awarded by the Council, will operate the Leisure facilities for at least another 10 years.

The council’s proposed investment into the leisure centres will fund a range of exciting and major improvement works of the facilities.

Cllr Pip Allnatt, Leader of Melton Borough Council, said:

“It is no secret that our facilities are ageing and will benefit greatly from investment and improvement. The proposals from SLM (Everyone Active), alongside the investment of £1.735m from the council, will see a much-needed upgrade to the local leisure centres and continuation of a strong and successful partnership. I urge all councillors to support this opportunity which will allow us to work together to invest in a way that will enhance and improve these much-loved facilities.

"The proposal is to relocate all the gym provision to Waterfield Leisure Centre and to make improvements to changing facilities, whilst also creating a large soft play facility with a café at the Melton Sports Village, improving the quality and offer of both facilities. The proposals genuinely enable us to provide a better health and wellbeing opportunity to children, families, individuals and groups within Melton and hope that users of the facilities will be excited for the changes ahead.

“The whole project will provide a breathing space and a springboard for a more ambitious replacement programme, in later years, as we continue to explore ways to fund brand new leisure facilities  for the next generation.”  



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05 December 2023