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Council offers the first Kick Start Scheme placements in the region.

Kick Start Scheme Logo

The Government Kick Start Scheme has been introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to support the employability of young people.

The Kick Start Scheme is a fully funded government initiative, which aims to develop the skills and experience of young people to aid future employability. 

Placements are open to those aged 16-24 who are claiming Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. Placements must be for a minimum of 25 hours per week, employers must offer a 6-month paid job placement and participants must be paid at least the National Minimum Wage for their age group.

Melton Borough Council have recently recruited four Kick Start placements and are proud to be supporting this valuable government initiative to develop the skills and employability of young people.

Emily Hubbard, who was the first employee to join the council through the Kick Start Scheme said “I have found my kickstart placement very enjoyable and useful. I have learnt lots of different skills that I can transfer to any workplace and am really enjoying the work I am doing, which involves marketing the Melton Community Lottery.”

Cllr Ronnie de Burle, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Governance, Finance and Resources said “We are actively working with East Midlands Councils and the Department for Work and Pensions in creating valuable work placement opportunities for young people.

It is rewarding to know that this initiative may help many young people develop their workplace skills and employability for the future.  We are really pleased to have four Kick Start placements currently in place and all have made a fantastic start gaining valuable work experience whilst making an effective contribution to Melton Borough Council.  We are delighted to be leading the way and supporting this government initiative. At Melton we are pleased to be the first authority in the region to offer a placement and support this government initiative and further plans are actively in place to progress further Kick Start placements.” 




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Additional Information :

24 August 2021