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Melton Borough Council proposes new table of Taxi Fares

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Melton Borough Council is facilitating a consultation process on the proposal of a new table of taxi fares.

As part of the review process there will be a 14-day consultation period which commences on the 13 May 2021 and all comments must be received by midnight on the 26 May 2021.

Cllr Freer, Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement said “The last fare review was seven years ago, the newly proposed table of fares aims to ensure that taxi fares are suitable for both taxi service providers and users at the present time. We encourage all those interested to view the new table of fares and contact us with any objections that they have to the proposed changes before the deadline.”

A copy of the proposed fares will be available for viewing on the Melton Borough Council website

A paper copy is available to view at our Parkside offices upon request, to make an appointment email or call 01664 502 502

Any objections to the proposed variation should be made before midnight on the 26 May 2021 by writing to: The Licensing Team, C/O Pranali Parikh, Director for Growth and Regeneration, Melton Borough Council, Parkside, Burton Street, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1GH.

If no objections are received or are received and subsequently withdrawn, the new table of fares will apply from Monday 26 July 2021.




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13 May 2021