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Council seeking views on garage demand
Melton Borough Council are inviting residents to take part in a new survey to understand the demand for garage rentals in the borough.
The Garage Demand Survey has been created not only to gauge how many people would like to rent council owned garages but to also identify key locations that could benefit from investment and refurbishment, in response to this identified need.
The results of the survey will inform considerations on upgrade works for garages located in popular sites, including new roofs, new doors and repairs to walls, to bring the garages back to a good standard and to bring derelict garages back into use ready for letting.
Cllr Pip Allnatt, Leader of the Council, said: “We are planning to invest money in our garages and your involvement in this survey is important step in telling us what locations you want to see us invest in. Garages can offer much needed and low cost vehicle storage space and we are keen to make sure that we invest in the right ones, in the locations that will meet future need and demand.
“We are aware that some of our garages may need refurbishing or bringing back into use, and if we receive enough demand in those sites, it will give us the opportunity to focus our resources and provide more opportunities for people to rent garages. In areas of low demand, we will consider alternative uses for the land.”
The survey is open until 11:59pm on Monday 25 March 2024. Residents can get involved by completing the survey at:
Works to refurbish and improve garages in response to feedback and demand is expected to commence later this year.
Completing the Garage Demand Survey is not a commitment to rent a garage. All Melton borough residents are able to apply for a garage and typically rent is between £9 and £13 per week. Applications for a garage can be made on the website at:
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