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Developer Contributions SPD adopted by Council

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Following a successful 6-week consultation over the summer, Melton Borough Council formally adopted its Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SDP) at its meeting of the Council on 23rd September 2021.

Councillor Joe Orson, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity said: “The adoption of the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document continues to show Melton Borough Council’s commitment in supporting Leicestershire County Council in the implementation of vital infrastructure such as the much-needed distributor road, extending and building new schools.

This document is fundamental to giving the County Council the assurances that it needs to accept the £15 million funding towards the southern link of the MMDR, and is part of a package of work we’re undertaking to secure this.”

When house builders and developers create new developments, they are required to fund important infrastructure to support the new communities that are created. In Melton, that includes roads such as the Melton Mowbray Distributor Road (MMDR), new schools or school places, affordable housing and health provision.

This document shapes how the Authority secures funding for such infrastructure through the planning applications that it deals with. It explains that priority will be given to the MMDR and education provision but also provides details on other requirements such as funding for a new surgery in Melton Mowbray and local needs in villages.

The Adoption Statement, the adopted SPD and the result of the consultation can be viewed on the Council’s Local Plans website: or by calling 01664 502502 and asking to speak to the Local Plans Team.




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29 September 2021