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Gold bench for inspirational local world champion

Gold bench unveiling

Melton Borough Council has dedicated a town bench to celebrate the accomplishments of local Melton resident Iman Barlow following her success at becoming the ‘World Thai Boxing Champion and World Games Gold Medallist 2022’.

To recognise this great achievement, Mayor Alan Hewson and Cllr Robert Bindloss met with Iman Barlow on Monday 1 August to congratulate her and unveil a celebratory bench in the town centre. The bench, situated in the Market Place, has been painted gold and will have a commemorative plaque installed to celebrate Iman’s achievement.

Following her success, Iman Barlow, who has had an impressive career within kick boxing and Muay Thai fighting, will be opening our Let’s Get Moving Melton day on Sunday the 21 August. A Q&A session will also be held on the day for her to answer any questions and share her stories and experiences with local residents and visitors.

Let’s Get Moving Melton day aims to encourage residents to “move more, more often”. The special event will allow people to try out free or subsided taster activities and engage with a number of local instructors, coaches, sports clubs and community groups within the Melton Borough.

Cllr Malise Graham, Portfolio Holder for People and Communities said: “We are proud to celebrate the achievements of Iman Barlow. She has had many remarkable achievements throughout the years and is an inspiration to the community and a new generation of sports stars.

“I hope that this will encourage people to be more active. It has never been easier to discover new ways to stay healthy thanks to Let’s Get Moving Melton. I hope that people can attend the event on Sunday 21 August to check out the sessions, learn more about what is on offer in the Borough to be more active and meet our Lets Get Moving Melton Ambassadors.”

Let’s Get Moving Melton day will be held on Sunday 21 August from 10am at the Play Close B. For further information about the event, what activities will be available and how to sign up, visit the Melton Sport & Health Alliance website and social media:

@MeltonSportHA  (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook).

Use the #LetsGetMovingMelton hashtag to show how you are active and let’s start the movement!


For more information please contact:




02 August 2022