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Melton Borough Council publish first Infrastructure Funding Statement
Following approval from Council on the 17 December, Melton Borough Council have published the Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) 2020.
The IFS is an account of all the section 106 developer contributions that have been secured, received and expended by the council (including those collected and passed on to other agencies) in a given year. Developer Contributions help to reduce or mitigate a development’s impact on the local area by requiring a developer to either deliver or contribute to services and/or facilities. The IFS provides a narrative of how these contributions are secured through to the implementation of the infrastructure. Developer Contributions are also the main way that the Council secures affordable housing of various types from developments.
This is the first time the council have been required to publish the statement after the amendments to the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations in 2019.
Cllr Higgins, Deputy Leader of the Council said:
“The Council are committed to delivering sustainable and inclusive growth in Melton. We aim to work collaboratively with infrastructure providers such as Leicestershire County Council, who are the Highways Authority, to ensure that provision of facilities keeps pace with the planned growth of the borough and that the needs of the current and future populations are met.
"The IFS document will improve the transparency of monitoring and reporting so that monies secured, received, allocated, spent and delivered can be followed through the developer contributions system by anyone who wishes to view them.”
In the 2019/20 financial year, the council has secured £329,657.27 worth of financial developer contributions alongside 75 Affordable Housing Units. The financial contributions, once received, will be spent on healthcare facilities, open spaces, leisure facilities and off-site affordable housing.
As part of the section 106 agreements that the Council sign as local planning authority, Melton Borough Council are responsible for securing contributions for other organisations, including Leicestershire County Council, Parish Councils, Healthcare providers and the Police.
The Council has secured funding of £32,098,217 during the past 5 years, for large-scale infrastructure, including the high priority areas of education and highways.
To obtain a full understanding of the developer contributions secured and implemented within the Borough of Melton, it is recommended that the Melton Borough Council IFS 2020 is viewed in conjunction with Leicestershire County Council’s IFS.
The council will be publishing the Infrastructure Funding Statement annually; the MBC IFS 2020 is available to view now, on our website.
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