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Visitors invited to send their Letters to Heaven in special memorial post box

A new memorial post box has been installed at Thorpe Road Cemetery to allow families to send ‘Letters to Heaven’ to lost loved ones.
The special, white-coloured post box, located near the car park, is available for all residents and visitors wishing to send messages to their loved ones who are no longer with us.
The concept of the ‘letters to heaven’ post box originated in Nottingham when Matilda Handy, a nine-year old girl, was looking for a way to express her emotions after her grandparents passed away. As a wonderful tribute to loved ones no longer with us inspired by Matilda, the council hopes that this will provide a way for residents and families to remember their loved ones in Melton.
The special post box will be serviced and maintained by Melton Borough Council, meaning that postage stamps are not required. Every message that is posted will be treated with the utmost care, respect and confidentiality, with the contents being kept private between the sender and recipient. Periodically the cards will be collected, imprinted with wildflower seeds and planted in a dedicated wildflower area as a tangible and lasting memorial of the love and affection conveyed.
Cllr Margaret Glancy, Portfolio Holder for Governance, Environment and Regulatory Services, said: “The installation of this post box is a heartwarming addition to the community that I hope will provide comfort and help those who are grieving. Whether it be a message of love, a card to mark an occasion or a letter you have already written, all are welcome to use the post box for free. The words people leave in our special post box won’t be seen by anybody else, and they will become part of our tree and wildflower areas in the future.
“I would like to personally thank Matilda for her wonderful idea and hope she is proud of how her idea is now able to help so many people in our community too.”
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