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Long service awards presented to taxi drivers who have collectively worked for more than 278 years

Drivers holding their awards standing with their taxis

Melton Borough Council was delighted to recognise seven taxi drivers for their long service in the borough in a ceremony on Wednesday 22nd June 2022. The seven drivers have collectively worked for more than 278 years in the town.

The awards were to recognise the valuable service in helping people and enabling the town to function effectively and to acknowledge their roles as ambassadors for the area. The Mayor presented each driver with their award and thanked them for their service.

Awards for 35 years service to:

  • Glynn Hudson
  • Andy Martin

Awards for 40 years service to:

  • Michele Addesso
  • Robert Croft
  • Lee Franklin
  • Brian Parker

Award for 48 years service to:

  • Alan Bagshaw

These awards recognise the significant contribution taxis provide and identify that it can be a job for life. Melton Borough Council would like to encourage new applications from drivers interested in following such a career.

Cllr Freer the Portfolio holder for Climate, Access and Engagement said “Taxi drivers are an important part of our Melton Borough community, providing a service that supports the residents of the borough for a variety of reasons and occasions. This event highlights the impressive commitment and dedication the drivers have had to their career. Taxi drivers will regularly be the first contact that visitors to Melton will speak to, and it is important we value the work of these ambassadors to our town.”


For more information please contact:

Regulatory Services Manager

Melton Borough Council

23 June 2022