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Melton Sports Village to reopen and will also become NHS vaccination centre

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Melton Sports Village is set to reopen its doors to gym-goers this week and will also double as a vaccination centre to help the NHS fight Covid-19.

The centre, run by sports and leisure operator Everyone Active in partnership with Melton Borough Council, has been closed since early November following the start of the second lockdown, but it will welcome customers and the NHS from Monday, December 21 in a double boost for community health.

Cllr Joe Orson, Leader of the Council said:

“We have been working closing with the NHS in identifying a suitable local location for a vaccination centre and I am delighted  the vaccine is coming to Melton after what has been a very challenging year. We appreciate it’s a complex programme the NHS have to deliver in rolling out the vaccine and we will do all we can to support them to allow our community to be vaccinated against  Covid -19  - I would strongly encourage everyone invited to get  immunised so we can beat this virus and look forward to a brighter future.” The vaccination hub is due to be based in the sports hall for at least three months, which could be extended to six months."

Caroline Trevithick, Executive Director of Nursing, Quality and Performance for the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Groups said: “We wouldn’t have been able to begin vaccinating patients from as many practices as we have if it weren’t for local communities making their buildings available to us. It means we will be able to vaccinate greater numbers of patients, close to where they live, than we would out of GP practice premises alone. We are extremely grateful for their support in keeping our patients safe while we roll out the vaccine.”

Caroline Trevithick added: “You will be contacted by your GP practice to book your vaccination when your turn comes and you will be advised where you need to go. Please do not contact your practice enquiring about the vaccine before then.”

All indoor sports will be cancelled during this three-month period, but the 30-station gym will be open, as will the four floodlit tennis courts and artificial football pitch.

Group exercise classes are cancelled while Melton remains in Tier three under government guidelines, but a shift to Tier two in future would allow group exercise to move back to Waterfield Leisure Centre.

Abigail Grewcock, Everyone Active’s contract manager, said: “The amazing work that NHS employees have done this year has been vital and we’re delighted to support their ongoing efforts.

“In these unprecedented times, we want to do all we can to support the fight against Covid-19 and our sports hall offers valuable capacity to help the local community for the upcoming months.”

Everyone Active has committed to keeping its customers safe and active, ensuring it will meet and exceed government guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19 with the Everyone Active Pledge. Full detail on the operator’s pledge and safety measures can be found on the everyone active website.

For more information on Everyone Active, visit



For press information please contact:

Ned Payne | Junior PR and Communications Manager – East  | 07935 756963

Everyone Active

Everyone Active is the trading name for Sports Leisure Management (SLM), which operates leisure centres in partnership with local councils across England. SLM Ltd. was formed in 1987, managing just one leisure centre in the Midlands. Today, Everyone Active manages 200 leisure facilities and cultural services in partnership with 61 different local authorities nationwide. These stretch from Sunderland in the north to Mid-Suffolk in the east, Chichester in the south and Plymouth in the south west. The company’s growth is due to the ability to deliver well managed leisure facilities and an activity offering which provides great value for money. Everyone Active aims to increase the participation of local people in leisure activities, advocating a minimum of 30 minutes exercise five times per week.

21 December 2020