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Residents to give their views on how Melton Borough Council consult them

Statement Of Community Involvement (SCI) image of hand with communication style graphics

Opportunity for residents to give their views on how Melton Borough Council consult them on planning policy and development management matters.

Residents of the Melton Borough are being asked to share their views on how they would like to be consulted on Planning Policy, Neighbourhood Plans and Planning Applications.

Melton Borough Council are updating their Statement of Community Involvement which sets out the key standards we will aim to achieve when involving the community throughout the preparation of plan documents, dealing with planning applications and engaging with communities who decide to prepare a neighbourhood plan.

Melton Borough Council adopted its current Statement of Community Involvement in November 2019. It is considered that an update to the Statement of Community Involvement to support a move to primarily online consultation methods is necessary. 

The consultation will run from 13th October 2022 until 10th November 2022 and will help to shape the update to the Statement of Community Involvement.

Cllr Bindloss, Portfolio Holder for Growth and Prosperity, said “It is really important that we are able to approach residents so that we are able to consult effectively. Resident involvement is crucial to help shape new developments in the borough, and I encourage as many people as possible to get involved and take part in this consultation”.

There will be two consultation events that are taking place via Microsoft Teams:

The links to both events are available at

These events will give the opportunity to pose questions to the officers involved in the production of the Statement of Community Involvement.

Alternatively, you can take part in the consultation by completing a short online questionnaire at, by downloading a form at or by requesting a paper copy by contacting the council on 01664 502502.


For more information please contact:



13 October 2022