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What happens if you get a summons

When you get a summons, your option to pay by monthly instalments is taken away and you will be expected to pay the full years Council Tax amount. Extra costs will be added to your account to cover court costs.

A summons is a letter that is sent to you to tell you that a hearing date has been set at either Leicester Magistrates Court or Loughborough Magistrates Court to get a Liability Order.

When the court issues a Liability Order, it gives us the power to collect the debt. If you still refuse to pay, we can take further action, for example, pass your account to an Enforcement Agent (Bailiff).

You do not need to attend court

However you do have the right to attend court if you wish to.

If you do attend, please be advised that you may have to wait outside in order to maintain social distancing. How long you wait will depend on how many people attend.

You will not be allowed to enter the court building unless you have pre-booked a time slot. Please contact us to book a time slot.

Last updated 2 November 2021
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