Corporate Strategy 2024-2036

Corporate Strategy banner showcasing rural areas, melton mowbray town centre, customer services team, parkside offices, stockyard, housing and Waterfield leisure centre.


From Cllr Pip Allnatt, Leader of the Council and
Cllr Margaret Glancy, Deputy Leader of the Council

(April 2024)Cllr Margaret GlancyCouncillor Pip Allnatt

We are delighted to introduce our Corporate Strategy 2024-2036. This sets out our long-term ambitions for the next 12 years, and the work we are going to undertake to deliver them.

Following the Borough Elections back in May 2023, a new joint administration was formed. Since then, we have been working together and considering what our priorities should be for the coming years.

We have been focused on tackling the issues that are most important to our residents and businesses. Our community is at the heart of everything we do, and we aim to deliver high quality and accessible services to all. We are committed to establishing Melton as a flourishing destination for both those who live here and those who visit. Investing in our infrastructure and housing as well as continuing to tackle climate change and ensure Melton is a clean, green and safe borough.

With the cost of living continuing to rise, and the affects of the pandemic still rippling through the economy, we know that there is an increasing number of families, households and businesses seeking additional support. We are here to help in any way we can.

Rising costs, coupled with years of significant funding cuts, means that financial pressures remain a real issue for local councils across the country too. Melton is no exception. The funding we receive to deliver services having reduced by nearly 50% since 2010. Therefore, it is vital that we carefully consider where our funds are best placed. We need to ensure we serve our community most effectively and continue to deliver essential public services throughout the borough, whilst also ensuring we remain financially sustainable.

Despite the challenges we all face, the Melton community has consistently shown that we are resilient. By working together with our partners, local organisations and volunteers we can address the issues locally and support those most in need.

We look forward to working with my fellow councillors, partners and those in our community to bring these plans to life and support Melton to thrive.

Our Corporate Strategy sets out the aims and objectives of Melton Borough Council. The strategy informs our plans, policies and the services we deliver to our community. Our communities are at the heart of everything we do. This strategy has been developed using feedback from our residents, partners and stakeholders, ensuring we deliver services and tackle issues that are most important to all our communities across our rural borough.

Our Mission 

Helping People, Shaping Places

Our Values

We Care: Valuing others and developing ourselves; committed and passionate about what we do.

We Innovate: Ambitious, creative and resourceful; putting customers first and learning from feedback.

We Achieve: Taking responsibility and seeking excellence; always proud to serve

Vision '36


By 2036, we want Melton to have:   

  1. A new, single, custom-built leisure centre and swimming pool fit for the next generation, supported by wider recreation and physical activity facilities across the borough.  

  2. Greater access to healthcare services, increasing the availability of primary care, and to meet the needs of a growing population and encourage activities to improve people’s health.

  3. More sustainable homes, that meet the needs of our communities, supported by the right infrastructure and facilities, including the Melton Mowbray Distributor Road (MMDR) and adequate school places. 

  4. High quality homes, across all tenures, supported by accountable and enabling landlord services.

  5. A bustling, vibrant and regenerated town centre, recognised as a regional destination, and supported by a thriving tourism sector.

  6. Cherish and celebrate our villages and rural heritage, delivering on the Rural Capital of Food and maximising investment in our waterways, canals, walkways and green infrastructure. 

  7. Harnessed new technologies, diversifying our business base, and securing more high skilled, higher paying jobs, creating a brighter future for young people.

  8. Be recognised as clean, green, and attractive; well on our way to becoming a net zero borough. 
Vision '36 showcasing a swimming pool, youth sports activities, housing, Melton Mowbray Town Centre and rural village

Our 4 Year Plan (2024-2028)

Alongside the Vision '36, we have developed a 4-year Corporate Delivery Plan which will underpin and support the long term vision statements, setting out specific objectives and actions that we will take to deliver our proposals to the community.   

Our Priorities

Helping People
Theme 1: Healthy communities and neighbourhoods 
Theme 2: High quality council homes and landlord services 

Shaping Places
Theme 3: Tourism and town centre regeneration and vitality 
Theme 4: Sustainable growth and infrastructure 

Great Council
Theme 5: Right conditions to support delivery  
Theme 6: Engaging and connected Council