Read our flood information and advice to make sure you are prepared for future flooding.

Publication Scheme

The Council is fully committed to openness and transparency in its dealings and accordingly fully endorses and supports the public access provisions of The Freedom of Information Act 2000 and The Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

Accordingly, the Council will ensure the proactive publication of information in its Publication Scheme and shall ensure appropriate procedures are in place to process all individual requests for information.

The below is the Council's Publication Scheme if you are unable to find information you can make a specific request to

Who we are and what we do

Organisational information, locations and contacts, constitutional and legal governance:

Council Constitution

The constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to make sure these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.

Council democratic structure

The committee structure and links to Committee plans and papers.

Council Decisions

Decisions made, including date and when they are effective from.

Meetings and Minutes

The meetings held with minutes included.

Election results

Results and reviews of previous elections.

Councillors contact details

Contact details of all current Councillors.

Locations and Opening Times

Opening times and location of Melton Borough Council

Job vacancies

Available job vacancies and related information.

What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts:

Financial statements and data

Financial statements, budgets – this includes:

  • Council spending over £500
  • Spending on procurement card
  • Councillor allowances
  • Community grants
  • Car parking statements
  • Statement of accounts
  • Grants to Voluntary Organisations
  • Fraud data
Councillor Allowance
Employee structure and salaries

The employee structure and salaries with information on the Senior Leadership Team including the Pay Policy Statement

Statement of Accounts

We prepare an annual statement of accounts to give electors, local taxpayers, members of the council and other interested parties clear information about our finances.

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews:

Corporate Strategy

Our Corporate strategy is designed to present a clear focus for the council during this time.

Scrutiny committees

Agendas and minutes of scrutiny committees

Corporate performance

We use a set of corporate performance measures, which are aligned to our local objectives, service plans and Corporate Strategy, to allow us to constantly assess and improve our service delivery.

Forward Plans

Forward plans are a list of the council’s key decisions that will be made over the next one to four months.

Local Plan

Your Melton Local Plan is a plan for future developments in the Melton Borough. It is created with help from our residents and drawn up by us.

How we make decisions

Policy proposals and decisions. Decision making processes, internal criteria and procedures, consultations:

Agendas, decisions and minutes of meetings

Explore the agendas and minutes for all public meetings held at the council.

The Forward Plan

Our Forward Plan contains a list of all key decisions, and decisions to be made in private, which we must publish 28 days before a Cabinet meeting.

Officer Decision Record

A record of the decisions taken by officers of the council.

Not all decisions are taken by the Cabinet or the Council. Officers have powers to take decisions in a number of areas.  Details of delegated powers can be found in our Constitution.

Strategies and business plans

Strategies and business plans for the way we work.


Consultations offer the opportunities to get involved and have your say on things that matter to you.

Committee structure

We have a number of committees, which are made up of different members, that oversee decisions within the Council.


The Cabinet is made up of 5 members, including the Leader of the Council

The Cabinet is responsible for the most important decisions affecting the Council. It also makes recommendations to the Council regarding the annual budget and major plans.

Scrutiny Committee

The scrutiny function of the Council scrutinises the Council’s decisions and performance. It also assists in research and policy review and development, mainly through the work of Scrutiny Review Panels.

Regulatory Committees

The regulatory Committees of the Council include Audit and Standards, Licensing and Planning. These Committees all meet regularly and have specific responsibilities as set out in the Constitution.

Other Committees

This includes the Employment Committee

Our policies and procedures

Current written protocols for delivering our functions and responsibilities:

How we work
Key policies

Policies for housing and tenancy management

All policies for different areas can be found on our strategies and plans page

Pay policy statement

The Pay Policy Statement articulates our approach to a range of issues relating to the pay of our workforce.

Feedback, compliments and complaints

The procedure on leaving Feedback, compliments and complaints, including policies.

Contracts and tenders

Information on contracts and tenders, including how we award contracts.

Lists and registers

Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority:

Licensing register

Registers for our animal licenses can be found as a download at the bottom of the corresponding licence page, for example the Animal Exhibition Licence Public Register can be found on the Animal exhibition licence page.

Registers for our business licenses can be found as a download at the bottom of the related licence page, for example the Register of Hackney carriage vehicles can be found on the Taxi vehicle and driver licensing page.

Planning applications

View and comment on planning applications.

Open data

Open data including requests of information and further information.

Electoral register

How to view the Electoral register.

The services we offer

Advice and guidance, booklets and leaflets, transactions and media releases. A description of the services offered:

A-Z of services

List of services from A-Z we provide including links to other sites like Leicestershire County Council and Parish Councils.

Pay the Council

How to make a payment to the council and what you can pay for.


Melton Borough Council Press releases and news.

Report an issue or information

How to report an issue or information.

Last updated 12 March 2024
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